My webfind for October is really fantastic--you must visit Shiana Thai Hill Tribe Silver. Shiana is a fair trade site and promotes continuing education programs, arts programs, and sustainable conservation. Your purchases ensure that the next generation of artisans will survive to preserve the works of their forefathers. Making silver has become a profitable advantage for the Hill Tribe families and an invaluable alternative to growing illicit crops or slash-and-burn farming.
The selection of silver and gold here is simply stunning. Unusual designs, great inspiration and tons of bargains to be had. If you are looking for that perfect focal bead, that fantastic finding you have been dreaming of--this is the site for you. They offer gorgeous black sterling silver--really amazing. The selection is simply endless, you need to take some time browsing this site. A great find--ENJOY!
Lovely post! Thank you so much! :)
Interesting fact silver made in Thailand is only made in villages outside of the main cities by Hilltribe families. Most patterns have been in there family for many years and can only be made by large order. There are no stores or one central place to purchase Hilltribe silver in variety other than from the large wholesale shops in the city. Mondays and Fridays are the days families will bring their goods to the main shops for sale and to pick up new orders. A trip to a silver village is a real eye opener to see how families work together to make beautiful silver pieces of art. All Handmade.
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