I'm fiddling with the layout of the blog (obviously). I've changed it a gazillion times in the past few days and still haven't really hit on a look I'm in love with. Layouts are important to us "Artsy" types, and I can't seem to get this one quite right. The cookie-cutter templates that come with Blogger aren't doing it for me, and creating my own is frustrating me to DEATH! I'm trying to tie the blog to the overall look of my website (www.beadkeepers.com), hence the stripes. The skull image is from my house. One of my favorite skulls--a horse skull that I coated with copper paint and patina. I'm going to leave this for a bit...see if it "grows" on me.
I have been happily busy lately, both with my work at the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation and with my jewelry designing. RSCF is in full baby mode, with young marmosets and antelope everywhere. Not so good for the parrots this year--we had such a mild winter that the birds never got the "trigger" to breed that changing seasons provide. No cold weather, just too warm all year. So, we have NO FERTILE EGGS this year, for the first time in over 8 years. In a way this is a good thing--our colony of red-browed Amazon parrots (the rarest Brazillian Amazon parrot) is at capacity and we are in the midst of creating a new program with organizations in Brazil and the United States to better manage the species in captivity. In reality, we need this year's freedom to move animals and build new enclosures without handfeeding babies every 90 minutes.
And, selfishly, this works for me 'cause for the first time in FOREVER I can work in my studio more! I've been obsessed with geodes and druzy lately, creating rings, bracelets and pendants using druzy, geodes and agate slices. I get them from my favorite supply website, Objects and Elements. The mini-geodes are so cool, great for rings. I've also fallen in love with leather again, working with a great leather buckle cuff by Tandy. The agate slices look fantastic set on leather, I hold them in place with disks of metal (brass, copper, aluminum, silver). Simple, and shows the stone so nicely!!! All cold-connected with micro screws. I am cold-connecting everything these days--I'm going to have to re-aquaint myself with my torch soon so I don't forget how it works! I did solder the little bronze baby to the setting for the carnelian druzy ring, so I'm not completely helpless yet...

AND, I'm working with Nunn Design as part of their 2012 Innovation Team. Becky Nunn has been beyond generous and supportive. I was just featured in their blog, showcasing two of my ring designs using Nunn's ornate ring blanks. Yes, I am a busy gal and I love it!!! I must say that my art keeps me sane. I know many of my artist friends say the same, but I really feel that if I did not have this outlet in my life I would go crazy. So much tragedy and sadness in the world today...expressing myself artistically gives me peace and joy, and recharges my brain every day. That, and working and living with some of the planet's most amazing animals keeps me grounded. I am thankful, to say the least....
This summer is shaping up to be a HOT one, south Florida is at it's soggy best. I plan to do a bit of traveling--counting the days till I can get back to my favorite city St. Augustine, and also plan to visit my family in Michigan for a wedding and to possibly teach a cold connecting class in Traverse City. I hope all my friends out there in cyber-space are creating and living your lives to the very best. Remember to take a deep breath and walk outside today. Smell the green, and marvel at this amazing planet we get to call "home". Take care....see you soon!